- Nativist hysteria against Syrian refugees echoes U.S. rejection of Jewish refugees in the 1930s. (2015, 13 min., director/producer: Amy Goodman. Democracy Now: Independent Global News).
- My Name is Ruth Gruber (2013, 7:33 min, director/producer: Zeva Oelbaum)
- Woman in Gold (2015, 1 hr. & 49 min.,director: Simon Curtis)
- Betye Arrastia-Nowak: Illumination (2016, 2:47 min.)
- Kindertransport as upstander acts
- Photographs, films, and art as upstander acts: “words and images to fight injustice” Ruth Gruber
- Restitution as upstander acts
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- Miller, D. (2003). Principles of social justice. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Pérez de Miles, A., & Peck, S. (2017). Exhibition as curriculum: Creativity as a human right. Art Education, 70(4), 60-64.
- Stein, L. (Ed.). (2016). Holocaust Heroes: Fierce Females—Tapestries and Sculpture by Linda Stein. Philadelphia, PA: Old City Publishing.
- Stein, L. (Ed.). (2016). Holocaust Heroes: Fierce Females—Tapestries and Sculpture by Linda Stein. Philadelphia, PA: Old City Publishing.
- Stein, L. (2015). Have Art Will Travel! Inc. For Gender Justice. http://haveartwilltravel.org/events/holocaust-heroes/
- Stone, A. (2015). Linda Stein: The making of an artist-activist, feminist Jew. MA’AMT, 18-23.
- Unger, M. (Dir.). (2007). Vienna’s LOST Daughters [87 min. video].